The other night after dinner Adam asked if I wanted to go with him to check his heifers, they are starting to calve and he wanted to get them moved to a field where they couldn't go and hide in the woods and to where he can easily check on them. So we loaded up the dogs and headed out.
This dog is still trying to figure out why Roscoe gets all the special treatment. Like riding up in the front of the truck, being able to go inside where it is air conditioning when it's 100 degrees outside, and fresh purified water out of the refrigerator whenever he wants.
There is so much to see and experience when you life consists of being surrounded by the same four walls for 8 hours a day. He wants to know why the other dog gets to run free outside everyday, gets to eat scraps, and doesn't EVER have to be brushed or get a bath. Life is so unfair sometimes when you are a cow dog trapped in a fluff fluff body.
While we were moving cattle Adam spotted it: A new calf. The first one of the season and it's over protective momma. You have to be careful around these new mommas they are all hopped and wiry. Ready to pounce on anything or anyone that might cause harm to her new bundle of joy. Adam saw a challenge, two to three day old calves are not the easiest to get a hold of to tag the ear and when you have a momma lurking, why it's just like really good sale on Black Friday. Everyone is ready to pounce on that one really good item, but once you have that item in your hand there is no greater sense of accomplishment. But that is another story..back to the challenge at hand. Tagging a calf that is able to run
There is the momma, sensing danger. She has her radar on...Must protect my baby.
"Adam let me out, I can't get good pictures inside here"
"No! You'll spook her"
"No I won't, I'll stand over there and be real still and real good, I promise"
"No, I'll never catch her if your running around trying to take pictures. Put that thing away!"
"Fine! I never liked you anyway!"
Now here is where it gets exciting and you'll have to excuse the poor photo set, I had little to work with.
He slams the truck in park, jumps out and chases after the calf...can he go all the way????
No! He did not get his calf. The calf went to the right while the farmer when to the left.
Here is try #2 - The farmer has made sense that if you can put the cow between the truck and the calf, then you can sneak up behind the cow and leap towards the calf just in time before it runs off. Let's see how his game plan works.
He slams the truck in park, Fluff rolls off the seat from the abrupt stop. He jumps out and grabs the calf around the shoulders can he hold it????
Yes he can! He has made contact with the subject. He has the subject in a headlock position. Can he keep the ear tag on the tagger and get it on the calf before the calf frees itself??
Why yes he can. This ain't his first rodeo. He has stepped up to the challenge and succeeded. The calf is now a part of the herd. Forever will it be known as #41 - The first calf of the fall 2010. And if the calf has not suffered enough
You have to give it one of these for good measure.
"Sandi, write down that it is a girl"
"OK, G - for girl"
"NO! H for Heifer"
"Well that doesn't make since you have B for Boy"
Shake of the head "No, B is for Bull, give me that"
I think I will just stick to taking pictures and holding onto Fluff. He can't handle the excitement of the rodeo circuit.
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