* I'm thankful for a Sunday where we didn't have much planned. After the last several Sundays of plans and running it was refreshing to have a day off.
* I'm thankful for daylight savings time. On a morning where I got in really late the night before it was nice to have a extra hour to sleep in.
* I'm thankful for the sun that shone today.
* I'm thankful for the opportunity that arose at church today. I went to volunteer for something and was told they had already considered me for it. That rocks!
* I'm thankful for the person that congratulated me on Optimist of the Year. I have worked hard for the past year as President of Optimst and was voted as Optimist of the year and it felt wonderful to be recognized.
* I am thankful for Lil Hoff that when he is dropped off at the nursery he runs off to play with a toy and just says bye.
* I am thankful for the colors God has painted our world with this fall. They are amazing!!
* I am thankful for the mom that watches me with Lil Hoff at the restaurant after church and gives me that smile that says 'I Know' and then tells me he is a cutie.
* I am thankful for Sunday afternoon naps. (Sooooooooooook thankful)
* I am thankful for Farmboy who takes Lil Hoff every Sunday afternoon so that I can attend a prayer time with other moms.
* I am thankful for Farmboy for when he saw Lil Hoff in a vest he said he was going to wear his vest too.
* I am thankful for this picture
* I am also thankful for my Father in law and Mother in law that planted this maple that Farmboy and Lil Hoff are standing in front of. It so happens this is the second tree as the first one didn't make it through the winter last year. They planted a tree in honor of Lil Hoff being born.
So overall on this wonderful fall day I am thankful and blessed!
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