Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lil Hoff Update Week 33

This is how we finished out our vacation. My very good friend, Amy has started taking pictures and I asked her to take some maternity pictures of me and then couple pictures of Farmboy and I . She did an amazing job! So luckily even though with vacation this week, we totally forgot to take my weekly pregnancy shot, my friend was there to pick up my slack! I just need to tell her that I'm using this picture, ha!

What is going on with Lil Hoff....
1. He is gaining about a 1/2 pound a week now, so he is up to about 4 1/2 lbs.
2. He is also growing as much as a inch a week so he could be up to 20 inches long.
3. He is running out of room inside me, so when he moves now I am really starting to feel it. There is less fluid to provide cushion between him and me.
4. He is also getting daily doses of antibodies from me that will definitely come in handy when he comes into the the world.
5. Lil Hoff is sooo active, he is always rolling around and moving and kicking. He also gets hiccups on a nightly basis.

What is going on with me......

1. This week has been rough, I'm not sure if is the lack of sleep from sleeping in motel rooms or walking so much through the day and I'm not use to that, but I  have felt pregnant all week.I think I have been good to not really complain about being pregnant (although I have been told that I've been hormonal) but I just have not been comfortable all week. My stomach is so tight that it hurts, I am always tired, and my feet are swelling up. I have been dreading going to bed (cause I know I won't sleep) and dreading waking up (cause I know I'm going to be tired and uncomfortable) it is a vicious cycle.

2. I am also getting heartburn every morning about 3:30 in the morning, which wakes me up and then I take my morning potty break and try to get comfortable again to go back to sleep.

3. It also hit me this week that a baby is considered full term at week 37 so in 4 weeks I could be having this baby, and we don't have the nursery done yet, we don't have a name, and I'm not sure I am ready for all this yet.

4. I have also been getting an increasing number of braxton hicks contractions.Which your stomach gets so tight you can't even breathe and you are just hoping that Lil Hoff will move or something to bring relief back.

I'm sorry this has been a lot of complaining. I'm sure next week will be better. Thank you for bearing with me as I get through this and I now it will be worth it in the end. :)

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