Week 35....here we go...
What is going on with Lil Hoff
It's all about the head and brain this week.
1. Brain development continues at a mind-boggling pace, making baby a little on the top-heavy side.
2. A BIG PLUS...while Lil Hoff's head may be big, it is still soft, allowing that tight squeeze through the birth canal to be a little less tight.
3. Lil Hoff also continues to pack on pounds week by week until "D" day.
4. He also could be about 20 inches long.
5. He is also very active at different parts of the day. Usually early in the morning around 3:00, then once I get to work around 10:00, and then about 7:00 at night and when I go to bed about 10:30. He also gets the hiccups on a daily basis.
What is going on with me...
1. We had our church shower this week Got lots of very nice and useful things.
2. We continue to work on the nursery.
3. We are hosting a Barn Party for the church next Sunday night so we are getting ready for that..decorating, cleaning, and what not. A very busy week.
4. Farmboy decided this week (before we have 150 people at our house for the barn party) would be a good time to pour my patio that I have been begging for since Spring. So I had my brother in law and his concrete crew at my house by 7:00 three mornings this week.
5. My sister showed up Thursday morning to clean and help get ready for the Barn Party. She is truly a blessing to me from God. I wouldn't have gotten everything done without her.
6. My mother in law showed up Saturday to help decorate for the Barn Party. Once again a blessing from God for the people that know to show up and help.
7. We went with the Young Adults at church and went and seen "Courageous" it was a WONDERFUL movie and speaks highly of what father figures need to be to their children.
8. We have officially decided on a name. It will be a surprise until Lil Hoff comes, but Farmboy and I are both extremely excited about it.
9. I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions lately. My stomach gets very tight and hardens up and you sit there for a while, you don't feel instant relief but then you just think "oh, I feel better"
10. As farmboy so lovingly puts it, I am developing tator feet and I am running out of shoes to wear. That is disastrous. I will be ready for my feet to quite swelling.
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